Sunday, July 25, 2010

Prologue: the Basic Need-to-Knows

To be perfectly honest, I only got this blog to watch my friend Kelsey's blog; someone told me once that a blog, or an internet journal is a great way to keep yourself sane. Even if it's the only way you can vent your thoughts and get things, no matter how big or how little, off your chest - it can do you wonders. Wonders that I'm sure most of us can hardly even imagine. Personally, I think having someone, anyone, just one person - just one person that I trust reading my blog? That alone would be enough to put my mind to rest. Someone there to listen - someone there to remind me that I'm not just talking to myself.

Anyway, since I have the blog, I guess I'll do the smart thing and take my own advice, you know? I can use it to get some things off my chest and talk, even though I'm pretty sure that not many people are gonna read because, let's get real - how many of my friends honestly, truly pay attention? If I had to guess, here's my list: Lily, Kelsey, Mikala, Jeb, Chris, and Jasi. And if I'm being bluntly honest, I'm not even entirely sure that everyone on that list listens to me as much as I'd like. That's just being optimistic. I should probably point out that I'm not usually a very optimistic person; being pessimistic is easier for me. I've never really been positive. Positive has gotten me more tears and sad nights than it has happy moments.

In case you can't tell, life has given me more reasons to doubt the good things and have faith in things going wrong. I'll get into that as it comes up, but don't worry; all of that will come in time. Not right now, of course. Silly you. Expecting answers right away- that's funny. Stupid, but funny. I'm not horribly open. That's another problem. See. While I'm sure that this blog WILL be a great chance for me to get shit off my chest and let things go - all that wonderful jazz and nonsense. While that is all true, the first problem that I have to get past is my complete unwillingness to trust in anything immediately.

So that's something we're gonna work on.

Okay. To finish off, here's a rapid fire of random facts about myself; I'm almost a legal adult. I'm in school. I'm the youngest of three. I have two brothers. My parents are separated and planning to divorce. I write. I love most kinds of music. I've tried smoking. I've tasted alcohol. I like to watch shows like Burn Notice and NCIS. I'm nonreligious. I like and collect knives. I support the troops. I hate politics but I'm a killer at debate. I'm planning on majoring in Behavioral Psychology in college and minoring in English. I've had several poems published, I've written two books; neither of which have been published. I'm almost cruelly blunt, smarter than I act, more mature than I let on, and not easily fooled, I don't like liars - so don't bother trying. A lot of people think I'm this aggressive person, but I'm really not. I'm pretty chill and laid back about most things. I'm actually a pacifist. So, yea.

Well. That's all I got for right now. I might come up with more later. It's officially three AM. Kelsey, if you're reading this- be proud of yourself. I got a blog. XD and it's just to follow yours. and, you know, attempt to do healthy things like... vent. XD

Good night and farewell for now.

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