Saturday, July 31, 2010

Chapter I: But Why is the Rum Gone?

It’s been roughly a week. I figured I would be all nice and whatnot; you know, update this thing. I’m gonna try to honestly keep up with this blog thing. After all, what’s the point in having it if I never use it? If I’m never going to update it, then I might as well get rid of it – but I’m honestly trying to put my thoughts somewhere instead of in the bottle, like I have been for almost ten years. Isn’t it horrible when you can say “I haven’t done that in ten years”? I feel just a bit too old when I say that kind of thing but I won’t turn eighteen for another…what, five months? Maybe I shouldn’t be saying that I feel old, but I do. It’s that whole “I’m too young to feel this damn old” deal. But whatever…

So, I’ve been doing pretty much nothing. I did go to my friend Mikala’s house for a few days. That was fun. It was about four days and three nights of utter nonsense but it was all quite hilarious and such what. We talked about boys, talked about sex, talked about people, talked about games, played video games, stayed outside in the heat until ten at night, dumped ice water over each other’s heads, and did other silly things that made us laugh until a rest room was need. All terribly wonderful – it makes me sad that the summer is ending.


So Chris is enjoying Florida for the weekend. I think he gets back on Monday. I miss him, but I’m currently a little sick so I haven’t had too much time to feel horrible about it. It did make me rather sad when he told me that he’d be gone the entire weekend and that he wasn’t likely to have his phone on him. But I figure that I’m handling it better than some other people I know – unlike the people I’m thinking of, I don’t cry and sob because plans to see the boyfriend or whatever don’t work out. But I’m a little better about keeping myself together even without the boyfriend around. Though, I’m missing the nightly phone calls we had going. I guess things get busy. But there isn’t much to be done except keep going on with life, aye? – I love you babe. (:

My friend Lily is going off to college soon. And I’m going to miss her very much. ): There isn’t much else to be said about that, except that I’m going to really hate not having her around. She’s so awesome and such an amazing person. But I know she’ll do a fantastic job at Fairmount. Good luck, love.

Since I’m watching the POTC marathon they’re having on USA, I’m going to end this here and say adieu, until next time.

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